
Why diversity and inclusion matter

Diversity and Inclusion have been hot topics in almost every discussion around new brands, content, or products recently.

Here are some tips on what to do and pitfalls to avoid as we all strive towards a more inclusive, accepting world. 

1. DIFFERENT does not equal DEFICIENT

I don’t know how many times I need to repeat this!

There are many conditions that cause people to experience the world differently to the mass-market prescribed version of whats ‘normal’ and many of those come with attributes and skills that are immensely valuable.  Neuro-atypical should be taken as a description in the same way as someone’s height – people come in all sizes and shapes and that includes their brains – it’s what makes us individual and should be celebrated and empowered, not pitied. 

2. Not all disabilities or challenges are visible

Representation needs to be more considered than including a child in a wheelchair in a cast of characters. 

3. Representation is important but so is authenticity

This is where I think a lot of content producers and studios are getting it wrong, do not try to be all things to all people.

Shoe-horning in a person with protected characteristics stands out and can do more harm than good to the causes of true inclusion and diversity. 

It’s got to be ok for cultures, religions, in fact, any group of people to create culturally-specific content that doesn’t have to include every other creed. What is important is that the content is produced in a way that promotes acceptance and tolerance of people for whom the content is not relatable. 

We need to take a ‘salad not a soup’ approach to this. Every ingredient in a show or brand has its own flavour and some flavours complement each other better than others and can be included in the same salad.

The current trend to try and ensure everyone feels represented and can relate seems to be taking the soup approach and the content is becoming homogenous and predictable – not a recipe for success.

It’s the same with product development – develop a range of great toys that means that children from a wider range of backgrounds, with different skill sets and personalities can find something in the range to engage and delight them, but don’t try and make everything appeal to everyone – it just won’t work. 



School readiness is a highly important and currently overlooked market within the child development and toy industry.

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