
Ensure your brand values
are reflected and meet the needs
of your target audience

Ensuring your core brand values are present throughout your marketing and product, service design or licence whilst encouraging consistency within your product or service offering is essential to ensure your product or service is meeting the needs of your consumers.  

What's involved?

An evidence-based framework that can be used to identify the benefits of your product or service and highlight gaps to inspire future concepts. 

See some of our past projects


An evidence-based framework to support the marketing of STEAM toys

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Brand Audits are just one of our consultancy tools

Immersion Sessions

Upskilling your team so they can be more confident designing products that meet the needs of children whilst reducing the risk of innovation, by gaining expert insight early in the ideas process.

Lesson Plans

User-friendly activity plans to extend learning and help teachers make the most of the product in the classroom.