Validating marketing claims and strategy

Our Process


Leading audio player brand tonies™ wanted to substantiate the anecdotal feedback they had received from customers about the benefits of using a Toniebox at bedtime. They aimed to gather credible evidence to support these claims, particularly focusing on how the Toniebox could positively influence children’s sleep routines. By validating customer feedback, tonies™ sought to enhance their marketing strategy, providing parents with trustworthy information on the product’s effectiveness in promoting a calming bedtime environment, thus reinforcing the Toniebox’s value as a must-have bedtime companion for young children.


We conducted a six-month research study with 100 families across the UK and USA to assess the impact of using the Toniebox as part of a bedtime routine. The study provided strong evidence of multiple benefits, such as improved sleep quality and a more relaxed bedtime atmosphere. Our expert researchers built rapport with the families through friendly, informal interviews with both parents and children. These insights were further enriched by weekly logs that the families maintained, offering a comprehensive view of how the Toniebox contributed to their bedtime routines.


The client was highly impressed with our initial research, leading them to return for a follow-up study. This time, they wanted to explore the impact of regular Toniebox use on key cognitive development metrics in children. We designed a comprehensive study to investigate areas such as language development, memory, and problem-solving skills, providing the client with valuable insights to support product development and marketing. The results further demonstrated the educational and developmental benefits of using Tonies, solidifying the brand’s position as a valuable tool for children’s cognitive growth.
"FUNdamentally Children are well-respected in the industry and have given independent credibility to using Toniebox. The team’s enthusiasm and dedication to completion and presentation of the research study made working with them a pleasure"
Drew Vernon
Education Director at tonies

Get in touch with our Project Lead today and find out how we can help you!

Rebecca Alfandary

Senior Account Manager

Project Lead

Rebecca Alfandary

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We offer marketing services, leveraging expert evaluations to boost product appeal and visibility.


We provide consultancy services and insights to improve product design and engagement.


Expert and child evaluations in reviews make your products stand out, essential for any marketing plan.


We offer expert research services using child development specialists and real children.