Children’s industries are a crowded market and never more so than during Q4. It can seem like if you don’t make it onto the big retailers’ Christmas lists or have an enormous TV ad budget, that you can’t get the exposure you need at Christmas.
However, that’s not the case. There are so many ways for companies of all sizes to shine during the festive countdown, from low or no cost, up to bigger budget ideas.
Here are our ideas to helping your products get noticed at Christmas…
Consumer print titles start working on their Christmas features in July (hence the Christmas in July phenomenon), so you need to be getting your product in front of editors now (or even last month!) in order to be considered for those gift guides and Christmas shopping pages.
Daily and weekly titles and some regionals will plan theirs later, but it’s worth getting onto their radars sooner rather than later. Why not send your product to them to try? Or take snippets of reviews, awards, etc and write up your product’s hall of fame. Be as innovative as you can, as journalists are inundated at this time of year.
But the consumer press is not the only ones who can promote your product in their gift guides. 2022 saw the Good Play Guide Christmas campaigns deliver nearly 2 million social media reach and ½ a billion media reach! Clients who include products in the Guide will also benefit from expert editorial, social media support, and our infamous Christmas giveaway spectacular.
Get in touch to find out about our last minute offers for the Christmas campaign.
Influencers, bloggers, and experts are a key way to get your product talked about and noticed at any time of year, but none more important than at Christmas. Our guides to choosing the right influencers for your brand and how to create brand superfans and ambassadors are the best place to start, so have a read and get your product out to your chosen brand advocates in plenty of time.
Products with a Good Play Guide stamp of approval have been proven to raise consumers’ intent to buy by 20 percent. A huge bonus at any time of year, but particularly during the festive period.
It’s really important to work with your retailers at this time of year. They will appreciate any efforts and support in driving footfall into the store, highlighting product benefits and POS materials, so talk to them and find out what will work for them.
For products in the Good Play Guide, we can offer a range of supporting materials free of charge for retailers too, so do put them in touch with us to maximise your accreditation and get it working for you.
Our team of experts also offer in-store play days, which are a fantastic way to get your Good Toys into the hands of children and families and explain the benefits from an independent perspective. The play days are proven to increase footfall and sales, so get in touch if you’d like to find out more.
Social media is a great way to raise awareness of your Christmas offering. Plan your content so that you ensure you are communicating all of your products’ USPs, reviews and benefits. Why not add in some giveaways to drive engagement and increase visibility? Or if you have some budget to allocate, spend it wisely on promoted content.
Or even an independent expert video created and hosted by our expert team, expanding your audience to include our highly engaged followers, while providing a credible, independent view of your lines and furnishing you with a video to use throughout your channels too.
Do you have a big campaign planned for Q4?
Perhaps it’s a research study or a newsworthy new product?
Consider providing an extra boost to your plans by adding one of our independent media spokespeople to your plans.
Our team are well versed in dealing with all kinds of media from national to regional, print to broadcast, and can add credibility and insight to your news, while also incorporating that extra news angle.
As you can see there are many different ways to help give your product the springboard they need onto children’s Christmas lists, so don’t be downhearted if you don’t make the ‘big lists’, you can still get great sales from other marketing plans.
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